The competition for the Hawkers Fan Award after the TCR International Series event at Sepang was a triumph for Tin Sritrai.
85.4% of the voters gave their preference to the Thai youngster in his contest against the newly-crowned Italian TCR champion Roberto Colciago who won the first race in Malaysia but received only 14.6% of the votes.
Those three laps in which Sritrai led the whole International Series field in Sepang’s Race 2 made the difference and the outcome of the voting is a recognition for what could have been a podium result, should Sritrai not have been eliminated by contact with Comini.
“To lead the international field for three laps was like a dream. My car was perfect and I had the pace to keep on fighting. Unfortunately, after the incident, the car was no longer well balanced. I’m looking forward to re-join the series in Macau,” Sritrai said.