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TCR launches European Trophy in 2016

WSC Ltd, promoter of the TCR International Series, announced that a TCR European Trophy will be organised in 2016.
CEO Marcello Lotti commented: “This is a commercial trophy, based on the cooperation with the promoters of the TCR national championships in Europe. The plan is to nominate six or seven events, one per each country that will have a TCR championship, and make four of them valid to award the Drivers’ and Teams’ European Trophies.”

A provisional list of events includes Benelux, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Russia. Only the competitors (teams or drivers) who have registered for the full season in one of these national championships will be eligible to score points in the European Trophy.
“Our priority is encouraging the participation in the national series, and we don’t want to see drivers and teams deciding to enter in the European Trophy rather than in their own country’s series,” Lotti explained.

Each round of the European Trophy will be run according to the Sporting Regulations of the hosting championship and all competitors will have to conform to the local prescriptions in terms of format, control tyres, etc.
Further details, including the 2016 calendar, will be unveiled in due course.

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